Sunday, September 24, Kol Nidre and Maariv
6:00-6:30 pm Family Kol Nidre geared towards kids 0-6
6:20 pm Candle Lighting
7:00 pm Kol Nidre and Maariv
Monday, September 25, Yom Kippur Morning
8:00 am Meditative Walk from TBA to Dane Street Beach, back to TBA
8:30 am Shacharit/Morning Service • 9:15 am Torah Service followed by Yizkor
10:30ish am Sermon followed by Musaf
9:00-9:45 am Family Service geared towards 0-6 year old kids and parents
9:45 am-noon Babysitting, Click HERE to sign up for babysitting
10:00 am-noon Family Service geared towards ages 7-12
Yom Kippur Afternoon
4:30 pm Meditation and Song Circle with Aaron Zev Katz, Rabbi Adler, and friends
5:30 pm Mincha/Afternoon Service and the Book of Jonah with Cantor Bruce Siegel
6:30 pm Program on Jonah and the Whale for families with kids
6:30 pm Neilah outside for all ages
7:18 pm Shofar and Havdalah followed by Break-Fast