High Holy Day Schedule 2023/5784

We’re looking forward to celebrating the holidays with you. We have babysitting, children’s services and more. Guest seats can be purchased on our secure payment portal, ShulCloud.  Click HERE to get startedNobody will ever be turned away for financial reasons. Please contact President@TBAbeverly.com to make special arrangements.As always, Temple members don’t have to register to attend any of the services.
Toddler and Children’s services are always free for guests.
If you prefer to attend virtually on Zoom, send us an a note and we’ll share the link with you. We’re looking forward to celebrating the holidays with you. If you have any questions or problems completing the form, please call 978-927-3211 or email office@tbabeverly.org

Sunday, September 24, Kol Nidre and Maariv

6:00-6:30 pm Family Kol Nidre geared towards kids 0-6
6:20 pm Candle Lighting
7:00 pm Kol Nidre and Maariv

Monday, September 25, Yom Kippur Morning

8:00 am Meditative Walk from TBA to Dane Street Beach, back to TBA
8:30 am Shacharit/Morning Service • 9:15 am Torah Service followed by Yizkor
10:30ish am Sermon followed by Musaf
9:00-9:45 am Family Service geared towards 0-6 year old kids and parents
9:45 am-noon Babysitting, Click HERE to sign up for babysitting
10:00 am-noon Family Service geared towards ages 7-12

Yom Kippur Afternoon

4:30 pm Meditation and Song Circle with Aaron Zev Katz, Rabbi Adler, and friends
5:30 pm Mincha/Afternoon Service and the Book of Jonah with Cantor Bruce Siegel
6:30 pm Program on Jonah and the Whale for families with kids
6:30 pm Neilah outside for all ages
7:18 pm Shofar and Havdalah followed by Break-Fast